255 research outputs found

    Two set-theoretic approaches to the semantics of adjective-noun combinations

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    This work addresses the problem of adjective-noun combinations. Conventionally, adjectives belong to a hierarchy. This has the consequence that a uniform treatment of adjectives is unattainable---without resorting to notions such as possible worlds, which are difficult to map into competent computer programs. In this work, we propose two set-theoretic approaches to the semantics of adjective-noun combinations. The first hypothesizes that an adjective-noun compound is a subset of its constituent noun. The second hypothesizes that the adjective-noun combinations can semantically be thought of as a set intersection involving the adjective(s) and the head noun of the compound. This work argues that the class of adjectives known as privative can be accommodated within an existing class in the adjective hierarchy, known as subsective . This step is important for the provision of uniform treatments of adjective-noun combinations. The two approaches make use of types, both for gaining a finer granularity of analysis and for imposing structure on the problem domain. It is shown that the mixture of a typing system with set theory provides promising results that are manifested in the provision of compositional solutions to the adjective-noun combinations. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2003 .A24. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-01, page: 0229. Adviser: Richard Frost. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004


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    Objective: Voriconazole (VCZ) is a broad-spectrum antifungal medication that works by inhibiting fungal Cytochrome P450, preventing fungi growth. The current study aims at developing and characterizing an antifungal in situ film-forming polymeric solution spray containing VCZ for use in topical drug delivery systems. Methods: Optimized VCZ in situ polymeric film formulation was evaluated for Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), in vitro and in vivo, ex-vivo investigation using abdominal rat skin and stability studies. The in vivo antifungal activity of the advanced in situ film was examined in albino Wistar rats. Results: The optimized batch contained 22% Eudragit RS 100 (ERS) and 4% Sorbitol. Based on FTIR, XRD, SEM, and rheological studies. Formulation ingredients of VCZ loaded topical in situ polymeric film spray were observed to be compatible and showed no evidence of precipitation, deformation, or discoloration. Diffusion test (in vitro %), and ex-vivo drug diffusion % obtained 99.22%, and 97.45% respectively. The maximum inhibition zone was measured at 13±0.07 mm. The Wistar rat was employed as an animal model for skin irritation and antifungal studies. A study of short-term stability observed no significant modifications in the physical properties. Conclusion: The findings of the optimized VCZ topical in situ polymeric film spray formulation were satisfactory, demonstrating comparable improvement in superficial antifungal treatment

    Aplikasi Hasil Belajar Siswa Berbasis K13 (Studi Kasus : SMK N 6 Pontianak)

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    Dalam dunia pendidikan di sekolah diperlukan suatu sistem yang dapat mengelola data siswa baik itu profil siswa, kehadiran siswa, ekstrakurikuler siswa maupun nilai mata pelajaran dimana data-data tersebut sangat dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan laporan hasil belajar siswa yang dalam hal ini dilaporkan dalam setiap satu semester. Aplikasi Hasil Belajar Siswa Berbasis K13 SMK N 6 Pontianak memiliki enam level pengguna yaitu admin (bid. kurikulum), guru mapel, wali kelas, kepala sekolah, siswa dan ortu siswa melalaui suatu aplikasi berbasis website. Pada aplikasi ini guru mapel dapat mengelola nilai mata pelajaran setiap siswa mulai dari input nilai harian, nilai sikap, nilai UTS, nilai UAS dan akan otomatis menghasilkan nilai akhir mata pelajaran. Untuk wali kelas dapat mengelola data laporan siswa sampai menghasilkan suatu laporan hasil belajar dan dapat di cetak kedalam format PDF. Untuk kepala sekolah pada aplikasi ini dapat melihat semua data hasil belajar siswa disemua kelas dan jurusan disetiap semester. Untuk siswa pada aplikasi ini menampilkan nilai disetiap mata pelajaran dan statistik perkembangan nilai pengetahuan dan nilai keterampilan siswa tersebut disetiap semester dan tahun ajaran. Pada aplikasi ini juga terdapat fitur chat  yang akan memudahkan komunikasi antara guru mapel, wali kelas, kepala sekolah dan orang tua siswa mengenai proses belajar siswa disekolah. Perancangan website menggunakan DFD, ERD, dan Flowchart. Aplikasi dibangun berbasis website dengan menggunakan teknik pemrograman terstruktur yang dalam hal ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP pada sisi back-end sistem dan menggunakan HTML, CSS, JavaScript dan Framework Bootstrap pada sisi front-end sistem. Hasil pengujian aplikasi ini menggunakan metode Black Box untuk menguji fungsionalitas sistem dengan menggunakan aplikasi Katalon Studio dan UAT untuk menguji kelayakan aplikasi dengan mendapatkan nilai hasil pengujian yaitu 93,6% yang menunjukkan bahwa Aplikasi Hasil Belajar Siswa Berbasis K13 SMK N 6 Pontianak sangat memuaskan dan sesuai harapan dari pihak SMK N 6 Pontianak

    Relationship between emotional intelligence and workload towards job performance among primary school teachers in Mata Ayer, Perlis

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    Nowadays, teachers claimed that there are suffering stress in doing their job. Teachers also claimed that they have a high workload in their job because of the new policy that being implemented by the government. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and workload towards job performance among primary school teachers in Mata Ayer, Perlis. A total of 84 teachers are participated in the study. The questionnaire 27 items that have used five-point Likert scale. Researcher use Statistics Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25 for analyses the data from the questionnaires. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression. The results showed that emotional intelligence have a positive and significant relationship towards job performance. Meanwhile, workload was found did not have significant relationship towards job performance. In order to achieve high job performance, emotional intelligence skills need to be developed and improved by teachers through consistent and systematic approach. Lastly, limitations of the study and suggestions for future research were also highlighted in the study

    Attitudes of Undergraduate Students Towards Self-employment in Yemen Public Universities

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    To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the intention of undergraduate students towards self-employment has not been yet studied in Yemen. We aimed to study the intentions of undergraduate students towards self-employment as a career choice. Since most literature agrees that future intention towards self-employment can be determined by using the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this theory is used as a theoretical framework in this study. A questionnaire survey was completed by a random sample (n = 451) of university students, undergraduate level, at one of the major public universities in Yemen. Results were based on descriptive analysis and multivariate statistical analysis including crosstabs, bivariate correlation and binary logistic regressions. Results of correlation test indicates that there are positive and significant correlations between dependent variable students’ intention to be self-employed and independent variables; entrepreneurial awareness (r = .338, n = 401, P < .00) and attitude (r =.569, n = 401, P < .00), whereas social norms variable, has derived low and not significant correlation value (r = .066, n = 373, P >.20). Binary logistic regression results showed that both variables, entrepreneurial awareness (ß = 2.154, p < 0.005) and attitude (ß = 3.117, p < 0.005), are significantly correlated with the students’ intention to start a business, whereas there is no significant correlation between the social norms and the students’ intention to start a business (ß = – 0.153, p > 0.744). Our study suggests that providing entrepreneurial capabilities among citizens may improve social norms toward entrepreneurship. The study also makes a valuable contribution to the under-researched context of Yemen entrepreneurship. Keywords: Self-employment intention, Undergraduate students, Yemen, Theory of Reasoned Action. DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-2-08 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Energy-Efficient Low-Complexity Algorithm in 5G Massive MIMO Systems

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    Energy efficiency (EE) is a critical design when taking into account circuit power consumption (CPC) in fifth-generation cellular networks. These problems arise because of the increasing number of antennas in massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems, attributable to inter-cell interference for channel state information. Apart from that, a higher number of radio frequency (RF) chains at the base station and active users consume more power due to the processing activities in digital-to-analogue converters and power amplifiers. Therefore, antenna selection, user selection, optimal transmission power, and pilot reuse power are important aspects in improving energy efficiency in massive MIMO systems. This work aims to investigate joint antenna selection, optimal transmit power and joint user selection based on deriving the closed-form of the maximal EE, with complete knowledge of large-scale fading with maximum ratio transmission. It also accounts for channel estimation and eliminating pilot contamination as antennasM→∞. This formulates the optimization problem of joint optimal antenna selection, transmits power allocation and joint user selection to mitigate inter-cellinterference in downlink multi-cell massiveMIMO systems under minimized reuse of pilot sequences based on a novel iterative low-complexity algorithm (LCA) for Newton’s methods and Lagrange multipliers. To analyze the precise power consumption, a novel power consumption scheme is proposed for each individual antenna, based on the transmit power amplifier and CPC. Simulation results demonstrate that the maximal EE was achieved using the iterative LCA based on reasonable maximum transmit power, in the case the noise power is less than the received power pilot. The maximum EE was achieved with the desired maximum transmit power threshold by minimizing pilot reuse, in the case the transmit power allocation ρd = 40 dBm, and the optimal EE=71.232 Mb/j

    Pathophysiology, risk stratification, and management of sudden cardiac death in coronary artery disease

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    Management of sudden cardiac death (SCD) is undergoing radical change in direction. It is becoming increasingly appreciated that besides depressed left ventricular systolic function and the conventional risk stratification tools, new markers for plaque vulnerability, enhanced thrombogenesis, specific genetic alterations of the autonomic nervous system, cardiac sarcolemmal and contractile proteins, and familial clustering may better segregate patients with atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) who are at high risk of SCD from those who may suffer from nonfatal ischemic events. Better understanding of pathophysiologic processes such as post-myocardial infarction remodeling, the transition from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure, and the increased cardiovascular risk of CAD in the presence of diabetes or even a pre-diabetic state will help to improve both risk stratification and management. The rapidly developing fields of microchips technology, and proteomics may allow rapid and cost-effective mass screening of multiple risk factors for SCD. The ultimate goal is not only to change the current direction of management strategy of SCD away from increased ICD utilization, but to identify novel methods for risk stratification, risk modification, and prevention of SCD that could be applied to the general public at large. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 1: 4-10

    Virtualization in Information Technology Science and Its Integration to Develop Future Architectural Design Tools (Comparative descriptive research case study of BMW showroom building)

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    The increasing availability and utilization of information are the defining characteristics of the information age. While the industrial revolution focused on material production, the information revolution focuses on the production of ideas. Countries with more information are the most dominant in the world, and over the past thirty years, we have witnessed the tremendous development of the information and communication sector, leading to various changes in the modern world, including the replacement of some jobs with new technologies. This has had a profound impact on society, concepts, and beliefs, and the field of architectural engineering has been significantly affected by the advancements in information technology, resulting in changes in the way architects think, analyze, and design buildings. The digital revolution has also had a significant impact on various disciplines, giving rise to new ideas and trends in each of them. One of the most important outcomes of this revolution is virtual representation, which allows multiple applications to run on a single device. This has led to several ways of understanding and interpreting the concept in different fields. (1) The architectural product is directly influenced by digital technology in all areas, as architectural design increasingly moves into the realm of virtual reality, which is expected to become more logical and realistic. (2) Simulating virtual reality is one of the evident effects of the technological revolution on architectural design and can be referred to as "digitalizing architectural design. (3) This study presents a model for integrating the new elements resulting from the technological revolution into visions and approaches for dealing with future architecture, through the reciprocal relationship between architecture and technology

    Analisis ketahanan hidup pasien penderita Covid-19 dengan menggunakan metode Kaplan Meier dan metode Nelson Aalen

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    Analisis survival adalah metode analisis statistika untuk tujuan melakukan analisis fungsi ketahanan hidup atau fungsi survival. Ada banyak metode yang bisa digunakan untuk mengestimasi fungsi survival, antara lain metode Kaplan Meier dan metode Nelson Aalen. Coronavirus Disease 2019 atau biasa dikenal dengan Covid-19 adalah virus yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit infeksi pada saluran pernafasan. Gejala virus Covid-19 hampir menyerupai flu, batuk, demam, dan gangguan tenggorokan. Per tanggal 07 Maret 2022, sudah ada 5.748.725 kasus terinfeksi Covid-19 di Indonesia, dan total pasien yang berhasil sembuh berjumlah 5.122.602 kasus. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pasien Covid-19 di RSUD Ujungberung Kota Bandung yang terbagi dalam tiga variabel bebas yaitu berdasarkan usia, jenis kelamin, dan riwayat penyakit penyerta. Dari kedua metode yang digunakan diperoleh median waktu sembuh yang sama untuk pasien penderita Covid-19, yaitu selama 7 hari perawatan. Sedangkan untuk perbandingan ketahanan hidup setiap vaiabelnya antara metode Kaplan Meier dan metode Nelson Aalen, terdapat selisih perbedaan nilai median waktu sembuh pada pasien usia dewasa 25-45 tahun sebanyak 2 hari perawatan, sedangkan pada pasien perempuan, pasien laki-laki, dan pasien tanpa riwayat penyakit penyerta masing-masing memiliki selisih waktu 1 hari perawatan